Here is a glimpse of the story:
An elderly professor, along with his neighbors, a lesbian couple and their son, set out to save the world from an impending alien invasion.
This is a story about what humans do when space aliens are about to take our planet. An elderly college physics professor, Bernard Winthrop, grappling with his forced retirement from teaching, meets his new neighbors: Bobby Jo and Hillary Aldenberg and their young son Jeffrey. Bobby Jo is taking Winthrop’s spot at the university.
Bobby Jo discovers a cluster of objects approaching Earth that are mysterious and worrisome. She warns the government of potential danger, of possible unfriendly alien life. Hillary informs Winthrop of Bobby Jo’s discovery, prompting his intrigue. The space objects are confirmed to be aliens.
The government takes an overly optimistic defensive stance while the country descends into mania. Meanwhile, Winthrop and the Aldenbergs concoct a plan to create a “slingshot” weapon to hurl nuclear weapons at the aliens. The four travel to a Kansas nuclear site where they’re successful in the slingshot attack.
Professor Winthrop sacrifices himself in the final slingshot and spares the others. The world is saved, and Winthrop is reunited with his late wife, Judy, in the beyond.